Tag ~health services

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Providing healthcare to lowerincome communities values Cityblock Health at 1 billion

Building and investing in the human needs economy

This startup just created a fast accurate COVID test which only needs saliva and links to an app

Nurx has 225 million in new money a path to profitability and new treatments for migraines on the way

This startup just created a fast accurate COVID test that only needs saliva and links to an app

Tictrac secures 75M to expand employee wellbeing platform as WFH balloons

LetsBeatCOVIDnet launches to track the spread of the Coronavirus in the UKUS

An EU coalition of techies is backing a privacypreserving standard for COVID19 contacts tracing

Zipline lands departing Verily CFO Tesla veteran Deepak Ahuja

Cyclefocused femtech startup 28 grabs backing from Thiel Capital

SigTuple Raises INR 345 Cr in a Series C Funding Round

Trans founders to VCs: Cut me a check